Preparing for Puppy

"What should we get before bringing our new puppy home?"

We applaud you for thinking about this in advance and hope the following list helps you prepare a safe, fun, and inviting forever home for your new little blessing.

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Prepare Your Home

Like toddlers, puppies can get themselves in a lot of trouble very fast. You’ll want to protect your dog (and your home) from potential trouble spots. Use the AKC’s handy puppy-proofing checklist to get everything in order before beginning the puppy home.

Create a Space for Your Puppy

When you first bring your puppy home, they’ll experience lots of sights and smells that can be overstimulating. Set them up for success by creating a cozy space that’s all their own. 

So, what should you get to prepare for a puppy? One of the best ways to create a space for your puppy is by creating a secure, cozy crate and playpen area. Dogs are natural den animals that enjoy having a quiet, safe place to retreat. Make this space an area associated with good things, like treats and “good boys!” and not an area your dog is sent to when being punished. 

Place your puppy’s crate or bed in a quieter area, away from bustling places like the living room or your children’s bedrooms. Allow your puppy to retreat to their crate whenever they want, so they can learn how to decompress on their own. 

Quality Puppy Food

​To ensure that your puppy grows up healthy and strong, it is essential to provide a high-quality puppy food that meets his or her nutritional requirements. We recommend that you look for a dog food brand that includes grains to reduce the chances of Cardiomyopathy seen in large dog breeds.  We currently feed Purina Pro Puppy Food / Adult Food.

 Should you choose a different brand, no need to worry! We send our puppies home with food to assist with dietary transitioning.

Establish House Rules Ahead of Puppy’s Arrival

Before your new puppy steps foot in your home, you should already establish “house rules” and determine what your puppy’s training plan will look like. 

They won’t know the difference between right and wrong, so it’s important to immediately make your house rules clear so they can adjust more easily. 

Sit down with your family and go over the house rules to consistently enforce them. Remind them that consistency is key. Otherwise, your new puppy will be confused over what they can and can’t do. 

Think about establishing a morning and night routine, where they can go in your house, what family members are responsible for what, and how to respond when your puppy begs for food or jumps on others. 

Plan out the first 24 hours

Your puppy’s first day home will be loads of fun, but it can also be stressful, especially without a plan. 

Plan out their potty break schedule, meal times, bedtime, and how you’ll introduce your new puppy to the household to make the transition easier. 

 Puppy Training

We believe by helping families train their own dogs to be calm, well-mannered and better-behaved, more people will experience the joys of lifetime canine companionship, and more dogs will remain in loving homes where they belong!​ We have chosen to partner with Baxter & Bella to give out families the best at online puppy training service possible.

Use Promo Code VALLEYGOLDENDOODLES for 25% Off


Be sure to follow the schedule of vaccinations. Our puppies are sent home with a full vet check, dewormed and with their first round of vaccinations but follow-up boosters are essential to protect them from serious diseases.

Here’s a quick daily checklist that will help you maintain your puppy’s good health:

  1. Check their skin and coat by running your hands over them. Check for ticks, fleas, other insects, and, in general, anything that’s not supposed to be there.

  2. Notice if they’re scratching or rubbing their ears excessively.

  3. Check their paws for cuts or abrasions.

  4. Their eyes should be clear, with no discharge or redness.

  5. Look at their feces for anything undigested or for a change in consistency or frequency.

  6. Many symptoms of illness could be something serious or just a minor upset.

    As a general rule of thumb, the following should be monitored and, to be safe, checked by your vet:

    • Diarrhea

    • Vomiting

    • Unusual tiredness or lethargy

    • Any discharges from eyes or nose

    • Fever

    • An extreme change in feeding, such as loss of appetite

Along with the joy of owning a puppy comes the responsibility for his health and well-being. Taking a few minutes each day to check your puppy’s health should be part of your daily routine and can save a lot of heartache down the road. 

Find more information about your puppy’s first vet visits and the canine vaccinations your pup needs. 


When should a goldendoodle puppy go to the groomer?

Your goldendoodle puppy should visit a professional groomer for the first time after their 16-week immunizations. Be sure to request a “puppy clip.” The groomer will bathe her, trim the hair out of her eyes, give her a sanitary clip, and trim her nails. Since she will need regular grooming throughout her life, both she and her groomer will benefit if she is accustomed to being groomed from a young age.

The first big girl (or big boy) haircut

The wavy, curly adult coat will start replacing the soft, fluffy puppy coat around 5-6 months of age. You’ll notice the new hair coming in is kinkier than the pure fluff on top. Waiting to cut the hair until the adult coat makes its debut beneath the layers of puppy fur helps ensure that the adult coat remains soft. Take your goldendoodle puppy for her first full big girl haircut at 5-6 months of age, once her adult coat has started coming in.

Grooming At Home

Waiting until 6 months for the first full big girl clip does not mean you’re off the hook for grooming at home! You should regularly groom your puppy: brushing her hair, cleaning her ears, brushing her teeth and clipping their nails. You want your puppy to become accustomed to being brushed from a young age. Do the brief brush bonding session with your puppy each night before bed to ensure she is used to being touched and handled. Your groomer with thank you.